Having a new baby is the most exciting time of your life. But it can also be the most daunting, particularly at an unsettling time like now.
However, there is something you can do to help ease anxiety and have precious bonding time between you and your little one!
You can learn baby massage with our online course. During your course, you will learn proven techniques to help soothe your baby and help their physical and emotional development. This course was developed and instructed by an expert with over 30 years of experience, so you know you’re in safe hands.
Benefits of Baby Massage
Regular baby massage has many benefits for both baby and parent. With our course, you can learn how to safely massage your baby from the comfort of your own home.
Improves bonding between parent and child
Improves your baby’s immune and circulatory systems
Provides relief from gas, constipation and colic
Helps baby to sleep better, cry less and feel more content
Benefits of Baby Massage
Regular baby massage has many benefits for both baby and parent. With our course, you can learn how to safely massage your baby from the comfort of your own home.

Improves bonding between parent and child

Improves your baby’s immune and circulatory systems

Provides relief from gas, constipation and colic

Helps baby to sleep better, cry less and feel more content
Online Course Information
- 5.5 hours on-demand video
- 1-year unlimited access
- Expert tuition – over 30 years’ experience
- Ability to stop & start to fit around your baby’s needs
What you will learn?
You will learn proven techniques to help baby’s development, whilst strengthening the bond between you. You do not require any previous knowledge of baby massage as you will learn everything you need to know during your course.
- Theory of baby massage
- Massage techniques for your baby’s whole body
- Massage to relieve your baby’s colic, constipation and gas
- Massage techniques to soothe your baby to sleep
- Massage to relieve your baby’s teething pains
- Massage to relieve your baby’s sticky eye
- Bedtime massage routines for your baby
- Playtime massage routines for your baby
- And much more…

Jan Mackie
Welcome to our family business!
As I’m sure you know, becoming a parent is the most exciting time of your life... but also the most scary, nerve-wracking, exhausting and daunting!
When Cameron was five weeks old, our NHS Health Visitor introduced me to baby massage. I was astounded by the benefits of baby massage, and how rewarding the experience was. Not only was it helping Cameron’s physical and emotional development, it made me feel more confident in handling him and it gave us a special time to bond. To this day, Cameron (now 8) still loves being massaged!
After going to baby massage classes I also started teaching my husband, Colin, the routines I had learned - he loved that it gave him and Cameron precious father-son bonding time! Colin worked, so couldn’t come to class with us, and we soon realised that he wasn't alone in missing out. We met other parents who hadn't had this opportunity because classes were too expensive or are held at inconvenient times and locations, or they simply didn't feel comfortable attending.
This sparked an idea. We dreamed of sharing our new-found passion with other parents and wanted to offer a baby massage course that was more accessible to all.
And so, Bambino&i was born!
So now you can learn from the comfort of your home at a time that suits you and your little one!