"Becoming a parent was the most exciting time in our lives... but it was also the most scary, nerve-wracking, exhausting and daunting!"
From the moment Cameron arrived, he became our whole world. Naturally, we wanted to do everything we could to ensure Cameron was happy, healthy and we wanted to make sure that we gave him the best start in life. However, as I’m sure all parents will know, parenting can be bewildering, overwhelming, and sometimes you don’t even know where to begin??...
When Cameron was five weeks old, our NHS Health Visitor introduced me to baby massage. I was astounded by the benefits of baby massage, and how wonderfully rewarding the experience was. Not only was it helping Cameron’s physical and emotional development, it made me feel more confident in handling my newborn and provided us with a really special time to bond. To this day, Cameron still loves being massaged!
After attending baby massage classes I began teaching my husband, Colin, the routines I had learned - he loved that they gave him and Cameron precious father-son bonding time! Colin worked, so was unable to come to class with us, and we soon realised that he wasn't alone in missing out. We met other parents who hadn't had this opportunity because classes were too expensive or are held at inconvenient times and locations, or they simply didn't feel comfortable attending.
This sparked an idea. We dreamed of sharing our new-found passion with other parents and wanted to offer a baby massage course that was more accessible to all.
And so, Bambino&i was born!
We hope you share our enthusiasm for our venture and that you and your little one enjoy baby massage as much as we do.
Love Jan