A lot of you mums and dads may have been on half term duties this week, juggling the needs of older siblings while looking after a baby or toddler too. We were lucky enough to visit London Fashion Week 2019. Between indulging in complimentary glasses of bubbly, we took in a fair few catwalks, and we are delighted to report back that the catwalks were full of designs that really do work for mums. Gorgeous and practical. Winner!
You may not have heard of Fyodor Golan (neither had we), but this up and coming brand was our first catwalk show and there were lots of quirky yet wearable looks for mums. Take a look at this fabulous parachute style skirt. Imagine wearing this to your local mums and tots group – you would be the parachute game, and certainly the most popular mum in the building!
And then there’s this look from celebrity Alexa Chung. We’re thinking of that baby massage class, when we’re caught with greasy hands. Hands covered in oil and no baby wipes to clean up. Simply wear this wipe-clean number and wipe your hands whenever you need to. No need for disposable wipes so it’s environmentally friendly too. You’re welcome.
In fact many of the new looks seemed to almost have been designed with mums in mind. The sheer practicality was astounding. Take these outfits, more from Fyodor Golan. Rushed in the morning? This pyjama look gives us the green light to do the school run in the morning in our nightwear. Surely a positive.
And, who would have thought our scruffy tracksuit would ever be considered catwalk fodder. We admit, this model looks way cooler than we ever would in a shell suit, but at least we can blame LFW for our look and not laziness.
One of our faves, Christopher Kane, was on our side too this season. How beautiful is this pillar box red dress? We have something just like it lying across the table. Who knew table cloth chic was so in.
And talking of home furnishings, you can’t get more exciting than this collection from Matty Bovey. We love the way he’s used a variety of clashing prints and textiles for this take on modern punk. We’re pretty sure that if we visit Granny’s living room, we’ll be able to stock up on a rug, curtains and a few blankets to create something very similar. Who needs to spend a fortune following fashion? Very accessible we say.
And finally, we were thrilled to spot trainers on the catwalk. Yes, for at least three shows that we counted, we spotted the iconic Skechers D’Lites rocking the catwalk. Check out this pic from the Pam Hogg show if you don’t believe us. So, at last, a look we can all wear comfortably. Goodbye bunions and blisters. Cheerio chasing after newly mobile walkers in those Jimmy Choos. Pam Hogg and Skechers, we salute you.
Natalie x